然后我们今天下午主要就是进行评委提问和自由辩论这个阶段。嗯,如果你们的总结陈词(Closing arguments)准备好了,也可以稍微说一下。嗯,这样可以吗?徐老师,可以吗?现在可以开始了。好的好的好的,嗯,稍等。哎呀,这两天话说多了,嗓子受不了。
第一个问题是关于管辖权的。在你们的陈述中,如果存在任何和平技能(此处表述可能有误,但按原文保留),那么双方都可以提起诉讼,但在标准(此处stc a推测为standard的误写,按推测处理)中,如果存在附加借口,它是否也不能被提交仲裁或者类似情况呢?你们如何看待这些情况在不同情形下的法律效力呢?首先,我要找到依据。第11条的规定会在这里用到,但我们认为第11条是一个……规定或者类似情况,就像我的问题。
在这个案例中,就选定的机构而言,他们也规定了提起诉讼的能力,这种回答类型不足以排除通过诉讼保留争议的可能性,并且不构成一个有效的协议。所以对于正方来说,如果你们认为不存在有效的仲裁云(此处表述不明,按原文保留)和标准(stI day推测为standard的误写,按推测处理),对的,我已经阅读了你们的……良好的记忆范围(此处MEM range ofage表述不明,按原文保留),你们说你们有中国民法典第143条,但我看了这条,我认为它与你们的观点无关,因为这条。它与你们的观点相关的是中国民法典第143条,只是它只适用于存在一些情况会导致合同现在无效的情况,但在全部情况中,它在这个案例中没有任何可以适用的情况,所以,我的意思是,我对你们关于第143条的解释非常困惑,我们只是想用中国民法典第143条来证明……选择。实际上,通常第1条,对的,好的,我有问题,你们部分人认为这个仲裁条款是无效的,对吗?但你们没有。在仲裁庭第一次开庭之前提出仲裁协议无效的书面请求,你们没有提出任何书面请求,如果你们认为仲裁云(此处表述不明,按原文保留)是无效的,那么你们应该提出书面请求,现在你们说……所以我想知道为什么我们以及我们的观点,还有海洋的人性(此处表述不明,按原文保留)。
根据标准(s推测为standard的误写,按推测处理)中的2条,友好协商的期限是在收到另一方最近的解决争议请求时触发的,然而在这个案例中,原告方认为被告在2023年2月15日的行为构成了最近的解决争议请求,根据标准(s exercise推测为standard的误写,按推测处理)中的20.2条,主要是发起30(此处表述不明,按原文保留)友好协商,然而他们从未与我们协商。所以你们仍然处于……所以原告方以及尊敬的各位,首先想要陈述。
然后我们今天下午主要就是进行评委提问和自由辩论这个阶段。嗯,如果你们的总结陈词(Closing arguments)准备好了,也可以稍微说一下。嗯,这样可以吗?徐老师,可以吗?现在可以开始了。好的好的好的,嗯,稍等。哎呀,这两天话说多了,嗓子受不了。
第一个问题是关于管辖权的。在你们的陈述中,如果存在任何和平技能(此处表述可能有误,但按原文保留),那么双方都可以提起诉讼,但在标准(此处stc a推测为standard的误写,按推测处理)中,如果存在附加借口,它是否也不能被提交仲裁或者类似情况呢?你们如何看待这些情况在不同情形下的法律效力呢?首先,我要找到依据。第11条的规定会在这里用到,但我们认为第11条是一个……规定或者类似情况,就像我的问题。
在这个案例中,就选定的机构而言,他们也规定了提起诉讼的能力,这种回答类型不足以排除通过诉讼保留争议的可能性,并且不构成一个有效的协议。所以对于正方来说,如果你们认为不存在有效的仲裁云(此处表述不明,按原文保留)和标准(stI day推测为standard的误写,按推测处理),对的,我已经阅读了你们的……良好的记忆范围(此处MEM range ofage表述不明,按原文保留),你们说你们有中国民法典第143条,但我看了这条,我认为它与你们的观点无关,因为这条。它与你们的观点相关的是中国民法典第143条,只是它只适用于存在一些情况会导致合同现在无效的情况,但在全部情况中,它在这个案例中没有任何可以适用的情况,所以,我的意思是,我对你们关于第143条的解释非常困惑,我们只是想用中国民法典第143条来证明……选择。实际上,通常第1条,对的,好的,我有问题,你们部分人认为这个仲裁条款是无效的,对吗?但你们没有。在仲裁庭第一次开庭之前提出仲裁协议无效的书面请求,你们没有提出任何书面请求,如果你们认为仲裁云(此处表述不明,按原文保留)是无效的,那么你们应该提出书面请求,现在你们说……所以我想知道为什么我们以及我们的观点,还有海洋的人性(此处表述不明,按原文保留)。
根据标准(s推测为standard的误写,按推测处理)中的2条,友好协商的期限是在收到另一方最近的解决争议请求时触发的,然而在这个案例中,原告方认为被告在2023年2月15日的行为构成了最近的解决争议请求,根据标准(s exercise推测为standard的误写,按推测处理)中的20.2条,主要是发起30(此处表述不明,按原文保留)友好协商,然而他们从未与我们协商。所以你们仍然处于……所以原告方以及尊敬的各位,首先想要陈述。
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
To the first question, the MOU is just a consultation paper, not a formal contract. When we refer to the contract, I mean the FCTIA. It can pick up some points of the MOU, and some stipulations should be invalid. For example, we have to settle the dispute by litigation. Thus, we say that we consider the stipulations in SD CIA 20.2 of settling the dispute by arbitration or litigation is valid, your honor.
To the second question, it is also about the party attendant. According to the case, the CFI defendant asked the institute to do an individual report. In the report, the investigation institution has pointed out some minors, and you did not ask the part of plant to rectify it, but you use it as leverage of bargaining. So how do you view your behavior? Do you think you have the right to ask the part of plant to rectify it, or you have used it as a consideration in the contract, your honor? According to Article 153 of the single court, the exemption ground liability cannot be illegal. That means if the exemption agreement or the effective liability is illegal, the exemption is valid. The plans agree that you are exempted from detective liability due to the depend knowing, which we don't agree with. There are different ways in the law to solve the defects problem. Just as more defects were not defect in the object's functioning and the defects well, we have national mandatory laws for the smaller defects. When we knew it, we could abide by the agreement settled, but we can't absolve the plant's liability if liability and exempt, but if the defects violate the mandatory standard law, the plant cannot exempt their obligations which the mandatory law settled. In this case, the standard of construction of and hands chemical warehouses, the stands around protection workshops and the defects of fire protection facilities violated the national mandatory law, which the plant cannot exempt from its effective liability, your honor.
And I have another question. It is related to the fourth point in the case. That is, for the sides, how do you view your performance? A beauty in the STC. Do you think you have performed all your duties? Because I think that question is closely related to, for example, if you think you have performed your duties, so you can ask for the treatment of the project of depend and best words for the party, and if you, the party of den, fail to perform the contractual, so you can refuse to perform. So what is the party's answer, follow - up and selection obligation? And what in the 24 in children and pack a finished OB huge the she. And we all know that the package is a financial prison, and it only is wondered the uh. Here is it uh, the whether the shareholders need to provide the many the obligations of the a liabilities of the company. So uh, the case united has their their obligations and they don't need to end a word. Do you think you have performed the duty of head of the plant and you have performed the duty cancer ships and you have both or the. Is yes, the only need period second it OK so what.
To the first question, the MOU is just a consultation paper, not a formal contract. When we refer to the contract, I mean the FCTIA. It can pick up some points of the MOU, and some stipulations should be invalid. For example, we have to settle the dispute by litigation. Thus, we say that we consider the stipulations in SD CIA 20.2 of settling the dispute by arbitration or litigation is valid, your honor.
To the second question, it is also about the party attendant. According to the case, the CFI defendant asked the institute to do an individual report. In the report, the investigation institution has pointed out some minors, and you did not ask the part of plant to rectify it, but you use it as leverage of bargaining. So how do you view your behavior? Do you think you have the right to ask the part of plant to rectify it, or you have used it as a consideration in the contract, your honor? According to Article 153 of the single court, the exemption ground liability cannot be illegal. That means if the exemption agreement or the effective liability is illegal, the exemption is valid. The plans agree that you are exempted from detective liability due to the depend knowing, which we don't agree with. There are different ways in the law to solve the defects problem. Just as more defects were not defect in the object's functioning and the defects well, we have national mandatory laws for the smaller defects. When we knew it, we could abide by the agreement settled, but we can't absolve the plant's liability if liability and exempt, but if the defects violate the mandatory standard law, the plant cannot exempt their obligations which the mandatory law settled. In this case, the standard of construction of and hands chemical warehouses, the stands around protection workshops and the defects of fire protection facilities violated the national mandatory law, which the plant cannot exempt from its effective liability, your honor.
And I have another question. It is related to the fourth point in the case. That is, for the sides, how do you view your performance? A beauty in the STC. Do you think you have performed all your duties? Because I think that question is closely related to, for example, if you think you have performed your duties, so you can ask for the treatment of the project of depend and best words for the party, and if you, the party of den, fail to perform the contractual, so you can refuse to perform. So what is the party's answer, follow - up and selection obligation? And what in the 24 in children and pack a finished OB huge the she. And we all know that the package is a financial prison, and it only is wondered the uh. Here is it uh, the whether the shareholders need to provide the many the obligations of the a liabilities of the company. So uh, the case united has their their obligations and they don't need to end a word. Do you think you have performed the duty of head of the plant and you have performed the duty cancer ships and you have both or the. Is yes, the only need period second it OK so what.
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
We hold the view that the plant's beauty is. It hands over the patents and makes the defendant become the source shareholder of the target company. And the plant should do it first in the event next, which is money, before the competition date, 12:50, August. But the plant overacts as planned in 17th October 2022, which is late about two months. So the plant violates their obligations about the den's obligation.
The first is that we need to store money in the bank until the plant it books. It is we do an installment payment. Anything else to get comment? I think for this question, especially for the project of event. I think for this question, especially for the project of depend. I think your point maybe we should answer that we both sides we do not fulfill our argument or a contractual due. But the party of depended, we have justification because you have mentioned that the party of planted you should do first and then we should do the next, right? Yes, you should have done it first, and then we can pay our instrument to you. But you, the part of plant, you did not have justification. You have constituted the breach of contract. I think that should be your point.
And for the next question, in the case, in the evidence, the third such saying that. According to the weeks, at the time that the fire happened, a large - scale explosion was not caused. However, due to fewer personnel onsite at the time of explosion, the fire was not extinguished in time and spread to the adjacent number one production workshop. So before the both sides, you think who or which side should take the responsibility of not extinguishing the fire in time? That is called for.
Actually this place on Mr. On Thursday. Already. Do best or try to distinguish this. However, the guarantee and this and the all - China. So we don't think that any comments in just suggestion among the exhibition you have a news right on news report and that is report. I think that is bias to the party of planted because in this report it has the exact time of the fire extinguishment. It is 2:21:30 around that time. And in the case we have known that the same. Yes, did he notify the quality of and in time order the delay. You know it is that is in the everyary 19, right? But what's the time of the fire? The eight. So that is for you to explain maybe it in the ification and about this question. Actually the core question is how do you view the question of your facility is old and is not efficient? Do you think you should all the possibility to manage it or you can content that the party of defendant they have known they have known situation through they have no they have no situation through the uh to report. So that is the question for your answer. You have to answer this question about about about the end. Of the old percentage. You think you have the responsibility or you can content that the partial depend they have known the situation to be accepted because we did not ask you to reply it but they use it at the library to sorry.
There are two parts of the friends in indeed there are the friends and friends in bring in the. Report has showed event uh well is a private national in vacation in 2018 of our pen. What actually the uh is uh there always because they need to be cha annual and it annual to. If the plan cannot like and check the specific well. That is a very good point. It has found the good point about the annual test because in the annual test because uh in the report the with the the institution it has mentioned that you are overall in compliance with the legal regulation right. So that may prove that your company has perform your d management about the facilities including the fire - relevant facilities. So that is your I think you can insist that. And so what about school the part of and help you the question about the fire.
We hold the view that the plant's beauty is. It hands over the patents and makes the defendant become the source shareholder of the target company. And the plant should do it first in the event next, which is money, before the competition date, 12:50, August. But the plant overacts as planned in 17th October 2022, which is late about two months. So the plant violates their obligations about the den's obligation.
The first is that we need to store money in the bank until the plant it books. It is we do an installment payment. Anything else to get comment? I think for this question, especially for the project of event. I think for this question, especially for the project of depend. I think your point maybe we should answer that we both sides we do not fulfill our argument or a contractual due. But the party of depended, we have justification because you have mentioned that the party of planted you should do first and then we should do the next, right? Yes, you should have done it first, and then we can pay our instrument to you. But you, the part of plant, you did not have justification. You have constituted the breach of contract. I think that should be your point.
And for the next question, in the case, in the evidence, the third such saying that. According to the weeks, at the time that the fire happened, a large - scale explosion was not caused. However, due to fewer personnel onsite at the time of explosion, the fire was not extinguished in time and spread to the adjacent number one production workshop. So before the both sides, you think who or which side should take the responsibility of not extinguishing the fire in time? That is called for.
Actually this place on Mr. On Thursday. Already. Do best or try to distinguish this. However, the guarantee and this and the all - China. So we don't think that any comments in just suggestion among the exhibition you have a news right on news report and that is report. I think that is bias to the party of planted because in this report it has the exact time of the fire extinguishment. It is 2:21:30 around that time. And in the case we have known that the same. Yes, did he notify the quality of and in time order the delay. You know it is that is in the everyary 19, right? But what's the time of the fire? The eight. So that is for you to explain maybe it in the ification and about this question. Actually the core question is how do you view the question of your facility is old and is not efficient? Do you think you should all the possibility to manage it or you can content that the party of defendant they have known they have known situation through they have no they have no situation through the uh to report. So that is the question for your answer. You have to answer this question about about about the end. Of the old percentage. You think you have the responsibility or you can content that the partial depend they have known the situation to be accepted because we did not ask you to reply it but they use it at the library to sorry.
There are two parts of the friends in indeed there are the friends and friends in bring in the. Report has showed event uh well is a private national in vacation in 2018 of our pen. What actually the uh is uh there always because they need to be cha annual and it annual to. If the plan cannot like and check the specific well. That is a very good point. It has found the good point about the annual test because in the annual test because uh in the report the with the the institution it has mentioned that you are overall in compliance with the legal regulation right. So that may prove that your company has perform your d management about the facilities including the fire - relevant facilities. So that is your I think you can insist that. And so what about school the part of and help you the question about the fire.
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
The youu should honor told of you that the plan is.Is offward and this um extinguished the fire not in time and cause a huge computer damages because.The first the true fireer extinguish and the headors can goes warehouses well old and slightly damages and the planet is s fellll to over very hold than which resulted in the fireer being unable to extinguished in a timeing manner after a brokeout resulting in even more tends consequences the planet s fell to the second is the pen a planet s fell to equips the factory VISA fire along.A planet well to equps the factory with a fire along system which resulted in the value to notify the city government of the fire.In a tiny manner after it broke up.The third is the main manyipulations concern to the citiess hiping network and fire pound storage connected to the fire pound where uncertain as to whether it it could be used as second water supply or by bike your honor may I add something.We considered that a good performance of distinguished the fire does not is not just for the time which is after the fire was called was was established and we can see that in this in it summer storms happened't a lot and in in summerma storms happened alot and in on twenty on eighteenth July two thousand and twenty two and it's about twenty three point five a lining strike he the one hazardous chemical warehouse but on twenty um on twenty three point twenty three thirty five the fire already spread in number one production workshop and there was a thirty minutes period of time but to the they so to distinguish the fire which would mean which cause to the um a bigger damage that they could not distinguish the firection that when the fire distinguished the it because the fire became bigger it was more.In post and you distinguished the fire your honor I um there are there are three points that I like I didn't date and let me are three points that I left I didn't date and let me and this and the fourth is the nowway inside the planets when we're not special enough.With the result at fire trucks could not be parted in include proximateity to the fire and this is the planets were not even construction drawings and layout plans for the hazards chemical warehouses is the results that it could not be provide with resismable rules for putting out buyers in warehouse and six is the practice well to utilize a fire alarms and monitors without in the inaabilityity to observe the specific of the fire and missing the.Miss the best time for rescue.The seven is afternoon.Time for rescue.Said the balance is after learninging of the fire planets did not have sufficient by fighting personnel to extinguish the fireer and the ta in so including this seven points.We hold it you that at for so issue take this responsibility so just will come I think party the parking you shouldize the neph of the country you see.你那个。OK my question is for the issue.IA twenty four one maybe that agreement in seven andute and back in the corner with a lot of without regards city law principles why you see apply the choice of law rules of rules yet to the of.In your honor I I think it's a question for the defendants right yeah okay in your honor the act applying of the choice of law of the seat of the court itself in angoment of respect toward the seat of the court different from the situation that both the parties are the seasons of the seat of the court or any other of civil relationships that there's not consttiutes foreign relationship civil relationships the balance of the benefits between the parties of the foreign civil relationships as hard to reach if rettales interest of the parties the chances of applying the out of mainland China is given here will we say the losss of the people's republic of China on choice of law for foreignring relateds civil relationships as a prime example and second.Law for foreign related civil relationships as a prime example in this case the civil relationships between the parts is apparently foreign related after the strict arguments as their honor can see a page six to protect the benefit for both the parties without his respect toward the seat of the court novia itli the choice of law their honor.OK the same question for the friends so do you think that thependence of the of competition presence is.Um yes we acknowledge that the application clothes is the of the main contract whenesing its theist and the vaity however is a a theverity of year a trade close as not in the other clothes in e ST ciia froming the governing law education clothes and in this case close any point one of the isipate um theggate the law for all clothes of the contract since the electric clothes is part of the ST GI I eight so oh we we think we think of the choice the choice of of the choice of the governing law is vallied and we need to use trying the law of China to asessing the exist and the relative all know OK as what the substantial a substive issue the question is.As for substantial a substantial issue the question is for the defend.
The youu should honor told of you that the plan is.Is offward and this um extinguished the fire not in time and cause a huge computer damages because.The first the true fireer extinguish and the headors can goes warehouses well old and slightly damages and the planet is s fellll to over very hold than which resulted in the fireer being unable to extinguished in a timeing manner after a brokeout resulting in even more tends consequences the planet s fell to the second is the pen a planet s fell to equips the factory VISA fire along.A planet well to equps the factory with a fire along system which resulted in the value to notify the city government of the fire.In a tiny manner after it broke up.The third is the main manyipulations concern to the citiess hiping network and fire pound storage connected to the fire pound where uncertain as to whether it it could be used as second water supply or by bike your honor may I add something.We considered that a good performance of distinguished the fire does not is not just for the time which is after the fire was called was was established and we can see that in this in it summer storms happened't a lot and in in summerma storms happened alot and in on twenty on eighteenth July two thousand and twenty two and it's about twenty three point five a lining strike he the one hazardous chemical warehouse but on twenty um on twenty three point twenty three thirty five the fire already spread in number one production workshop and there was a thirty minutes period of time but to the they so to distinguish the fire which would mean which cause to the um a bigger damage that they could not distinguish the firection that when the fire distinguished the it because the fire became bigger it was more.In post and you distinguished the fire your honor I um there are there are three points that I like I didn't date and let me are three points that I left I didn't date and let me and this and the fourth is the nowway inside the planets when we're not special enough.With the result at fire trucks could not be parted in include proximateity to the fire and this is the planets were not even construction drawings and layout plans for the hazards chemical warehouses is the results that it could not be provide with resismable rules for putting out buyers in warehouse and six is the practice well to utilize a fire alarms and monitors without in the inaabilityity to observe the specific of the fire and missing the.Miss the best time for rescue.The seven is afternoon.Time for rescue.Said the balance is after learninging of the fire planets did not have sufficient by fighting personnel to extinguish the fireer and the ta in so including this seven points.We hold it you that at for so issue take this responsibility so just will come I think party the parking you shouldize the neph of the country you see.你那个。OK my question is for the issue.IA twenty four one maybe that agreement in seven andute and back in the corner with a lot of without regards city law principles why you see apply the choice of law rules of rules yet to the of.In your honor I I think it's a question for the defendants right yeah okay in your honor the act applying of the choice of law of the seat of the court itself in angoment of respect toward the seat of the court different from the situation that both the parties are the seasons of the seat of the court or any other of civil relationships that there's not consttiutes foreign relationship civil relationships the balance of the benefits between the parties of the foreign civil relationships as hard to reach if rettales interest of the parties the chances of applying the out of mainland China is given here will we say the losss of the people's republic of China on choice of law for foreignring relateds civil relationships as a prime example and second.Law for foreign related civil relationships as a prime example in this case the civil relationships between the parts is apparently foreign related after the strict arguments as their honor can see a page six to protect the benefit for both the parties without his respect toward the seat of the court novia itli the choice of law their honor.OK the same question for the friends so do you think that thependence of the of competition presence is.Um yes we acknowledge that the application clothes is the of the main contract whenesing its theist and the vaity however is a a theverity of year a trade close as not in the other clothes in e ST ciia froming the governing law education clothes and in this case close any point one of the isipate um theggate the law for all clothes of the contract since the electric clothes is part of the ST GI I eight so oh we we think we think of the choice the choice of of the choice of the governing law is vallied and we need to use trying the law of China to asessing the exist and the relative all know OK as what the substantial a substive issue the question is.As for substantial a substantial issue the question is for the defend.
In the CIA, class eleven, first material class, it's in the fire, the course material. Why do you put that on this page? The fire resulted from license, not sports material. No owner. First, according to page seven to six in our pleadings, it has already been written in detail that the fire was caused by the planet's boat which was able to move away during my watch. So it doesn't constitute a cause.
Second, according to the judgment in China, boys, 2022, in 50, number 485, we use in the 38th index on the page, working out of our planes. The court ruled out that the part did not do their best and would take all measures to prevent. Their best would take all the measures to prevent the damaged consequences. Natural disaster was not in direct causation of the damages, but the planet's boat did. Therefore, if the flooding of the west coast by the rainboard did not constitute the sport in this case, the plaintiffs did not use their best efforts and build their measures which they could have taken to prevent this, including the seven CIRC standards on pages fifteen to sixteen in our list. So we can see that there is a direct causal relationship between the planet's vote and the occurrences of the fire. Lightning strike was not the disabling reason. The fire could have been avoided and the amount board, so the fire did not have something to be paid in the amount. So the fire did not constitute the first major cause.
So, also apply the unlikability on affordability to find the fire, but you make a very defensive decision for all the concluded act. The fire does not constitute from GE. So please explain this.
The second should be important and it has been shown before the contract. It was not on 18 July 2022 when the contract was concluded in certain joy. That is to say, the practice cannot be prior. And the second partner should be considered related subjective conditions, that is to state in age, the intellectual development or the knowledge. Certainly, the practice if not be professional price and they cannot be for they are not and should not be the prior. Because the different defendant had hired the third part thousand and they have the team. The point is a consideration of the planeted will be influenced by this. So, well, let's just see last.
The fire is possible. The second I need to paragraph that the area of... should be well integrated together. For instance, parties have to their reason here still of this object condition and it's after the object conditions on their best efforts still cannot be consequences. And the conclusion is that you see that, well, also any decided we report that had reached the overstutoary standard. And also the directors, they don't need to manage the direct or another one who controls and directors. So they have, after they have their shareholders and little nature. So already here. But also. So after the lightning strike, the wind brain and the latest thing and the pregnant country, the country, I saw have already for their is say.
OK, so comments. I suggest you to use the one news, one even one news is that it is our preced right once but in a years right. So you can use this to this question for the dependence.
In the CIA, class eleven, first material class, it's in the fire, the course material. Why do you put that on this page? The fire resulted from license, not sports material. No owner. First, according to page seven to six in our pleadings, it has already been written in detail that the fire was caused by the planet's boat which was able to move away during my watch. So it doesn't constitute a cause.
Second, according to the judgment in China, boys, 2022, in 50, number 485, we use in the 38th index on the page, working out of our planes. The court ruled out that the part did not do their best and would take all measures to prevent. Their best would take all the measures to prevent the damaged consequences. Natural disaster was not in direct causation of the damages, but the planet's boat did. Therefore, if the flooding of the west coast by the rainboard did not constitute the sport in this case, the plaintiffs did not use their best efforts and build their measures which they could have taken to prevent this, including the seven CIRC standards on pages fifteen to sixteen in our list. So we can see that there is a direct causal relationship between the planet's vote and the occurrences of the fire. Lightning strike was not the disabling reason. The fire could have been avoided and the amount board, so the fire did not have something to be paid in the amount. So the fire did not constitute the first major cause.
So, also apply the unlikability on affordability to find the fire, but you make a very defensive decision for all the concluded act. The fire does not constitute from GE. So please explain this.
The second should be important and it has been shown before the contract. It was not on 18 July 2022 when the contract was concluded in certain joy. That is to say, the practice cannot be prior. And the second partner should be considered related subjective conditions, that is to state in age, the intellectual development or the knowledge. Certainly, the practice if not be professional price and they cannot be for they are not and should not be the prior. Because the different defendant had hired the third part thousand and they have the team. The point is a consideration of the planeted will be influenced by this. So, well, let's just see last.
The fire is possible. The second I need to paragraph that the area of... should be well integrated together. For instance, parties have to their reason here still of this object condition and it's after the object conditions on their best efforts still cannot be consequences. And the conclusion is that you see that, well, also any decided we report that had reached the overstutoary standard. And also the directors, they don't need to manage the direct or another one who controls and directors. So they have, after they have their shareholders and little nature. So already here. But also. So after the lightning strike, the wind brain and the latest thing and the pregnant country, the country, I saw have already for their is say.
OK, so comments. I suggest you to use the one news, one even one news is that it is our preced right once but in a years right. So you can use this to this question for the dependence.
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
When the contract was completed, the dependence did last. PI the plant as the points would be put and introduced in the fourth quarter. Only the department of the contract was mentioned in the cash conversation. Why did the depend take that the plant would cause the loss by the breach of the contract and the time of the conclusion?
Your honor, first, according to Carro A on page four in this fact, ten and specialized in the research and development and influence of Exing for human you, and it's one of the largest manufacturers of influence, a various. And it's one of the largest manufacturers of blue and up there ISIL vaccine and has the largest market share in the country tree of Acadia. In this case, the plant is absolutely new that the depends aims at using the plan to produce influenza vaccines. Influenza is regular in winter. And influenza vaccine has the most market kids board and is profitable in winter. So the defendant said the delivery date no later than fifteen. This is the combination date. It is very clear that the defendant intends to start production of influenza vaccine in that winter.
Second, although it may be difficult to foresee that the influenza vaccine sales will be up to more than eighteen percent. But planets should have. Eighteen percent. But plaintiffs should have foreseen the average vaccination in winter under normal circumstances. So the plaintiffs should at least compensate depended border expected lots of purpose based on the average of previous year.
OK, how about the point to this kind of cases? Explain in some feedback.
In your pleading that the fire has not caused you with why dependence apply change theistance cost in a SYN. Do you still think the sy. Do you think there is a contradiction between the social view and the change service institution of a view and the use of papers oftances?
Your honor, according to the acqua three hundred.
When the contract was completed, the dependence did last. PI the plant as the points would be put and introduced in the fourth quarter. Only the department of the contract was mentioned in the cash conversation. Why did the depend take that the plant would cause the loss by the breach of the contract and the time of the conclusion?
Your honor, first, according to Carro A on page four in this fact, ten and specialized in the research and development and influence of Exing for human you, and it's one of the largest manufacturers of influence, a various. And it's one of the largest manufacturers of blue and up there ISIL vaccine and has the largest market share in the country tree of Acadia. In this case, the plant is absolutely new that the depends aims at using the plan to produce influenza vaccines. Influenza is regular in winter. And influenza vaccine has the most market kids board and is profitable in winter. So the defendant said the delivery date no later than fifteen. This is the combination date. It is very clear that the defendant intends to start production of influenza vaccine in that winter.
Second, although it may be difficult to foresee that the influenza vaccine sales will be up to more than eighteen percent. But planets should have. Eighteen percent. But plaintiffs should have foreseen the average vaccination in winter under normal circumstances. So the plaintiffs should at least compensate depended border expected lots of purpose based on the average of previous year.
OK, how about the point to this kind of cases? Explain in some feedback.
In your pleading that the fire has not caused you with why dependence apply change theistance cost in a SYN. Do you still think the sy. Do you think there is a contradiction between the social view and the change service institution of a view and the use of papers oftances?
Your honor, according to the acqua three hundred.
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
Of the civil courts and on board thirty - two of the judicial interpretation, but contract law, the condition for a change of circumstances is that the underlying conditions of the contract have changed significantly, such as a change in the price caused by an abnormal change between supply and demand. Second, in this case, the underlying conditions of the contract have changed significantly due to the fire that destroyed the warehouses and the production workshop. Class plan was delayed and delivered the plant, resulting in the losses of the original value of the plant. The plants should have been delivered to the factory before on time. Yes, that point was indeed worth that much money, but the defendant did not deliver it until... It was worth that much money, but the defendant did not deliver until October 17th. At this time, the value of the plant had already decreased because the plant could not bring the defendant as much profit as before, and the defendant's demand for the plant was not as strong as it had been before because it would take time to put into production, which would make the best time to sell the plant pass, and the plant no longer had the value as it was at the time of the contract. It would be unfair to the defendant to pay the original price. So the defendant asks the court to change and reduce the contract payment.
And the next question is the differences between what is major and change of circumstances. OK, you are aware of this. Check the question. Um, according to article one hundred and eighty of the civil code and article five hundred and thirty - three of the civil code, first, a major event is an event that is not caused by human will, which one hundred percent cannot avoid and overcome. The change of circumstances may be suggested in price changes affected by supply and demand. Second, the consequence is absolute; one hundred percent cannot be overcome. The change of circumstances can be relatively overcome, but it is obvious compared to one party to continue the contract. Third, the former can exempt part or all of the liability. The change of circumstances only has the right to request a court to change or terminate the contract. In this case, the value of the plant of the defendant was not as much as at the time of the contract settlement. The plants' value had already decreased because the plant was delayed in the handover. It is unfair to ask the defendant to pay the full purchase price. As our answer. OK, thank you.
I have a question. Um, it is about... In 2002, on October 20th, the new incident has received the claims from a company, which has contained that the mirror and soon as contained that the mirror and sin as violating the sailors' volunteer. And so how do... Maybe this question is for the party of... And do you think you have violated the sales guarantee? 35:21, we... Um, but they... What standard and in a lot of China, the only... To... For the... At... In the... They... The... The business... The actually in the rule of... Because... Thousand... Um, in the second... Remote... It... Um, the... Um, the distance is really warehouse, the personal warehouse and the production... The... Explain the... Those tens or other... Between others and... And so example three.
Of the civil courts and on board thirty - two of the judicial interpretation, but contract law, the condition for a change of circumstances is that the underlying conditions of the contract have changed significantly, such as a change in the price caused by an abnormal change between supply and demand. Second, in this case, the underlying conditions of the contract have changed significantly due to the fire that destroyed the warehouses and the production workshop. Class plan was delayed and delivered the plant, resulting in the losses of the original value of the plant. The plants should have been delivered to the factory before on time. Yes, that point was indeed worth that much money, but the defendant did not deliver it until... It was worth that much money, but the defendant did not deliver until October 17th. At this time, the value of the plant had already decreased because the plant could not bring the defendant as much profit as before, and the defendant's demand for the plant was not as strong as it had been before because it would take time to put into production, which would make the best time to sell the plant pass, and the plant no longer had the value as it was at the time of the contract. It would be unfair to the defendant to pay the original price. So the defendant asks the court to change and reduce the contract payment.
And the next question is the differences between what is major and change of circumstances. OK, you are aware of this. Check the question. Um, according to article one hundred and eighty of the civil code and article five hundred and thirty - three of the civil code, first, a major event is an event that is not caused by human will, which one hundred percent cannot avoid and overcome. The change of circumstances may be suggested in price changes affected by supply and demand. Second, the consequence is absolute; one hundred percent cannot be overcome. The change of circumstances can be relatively overcome, but it is obvious compared to one party to continue the contract. Third, the former can exempt part or all of the liability. The change of circumstances only has the right to request a court to change or terminate the contract. In this case, the value of the plant of the defendant was not as much as at the time of the contract settlement. The plants' value had already decreased because the plant was delayed in the handover. It is unfair to ask the defendant to pay the full purchase price. As our answer. OK, thank you.
I have a question. Um, it is about... In 2002, on October 20th, the new incident has received the claims from a company, which has contained that the mirror and soon as contained that the mirror and sin as violating the sailors' volunteer. And so how do... Maybe this question is for the party of... And do you think you have violated the sales guarantee? 35:21, we... Um, but they... What standard and in a lot of China, the only... To... For the... At... In the... They... The... The business... The actually in the rule of... Because... Thousand... Um, in the second... Remote... It... Um, the... Um, the distance is really warehouse, the personal warehouse and the production... The... Explain the... Those tens or other... Between others and... And so example three.
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
When you bring that, all of the minor items depending on the minor INS are in our plan. The dependents have already been leveled in the TV report before we signed. At least, we aside without writing a to repair the many things. We have accepted all of this.
In the course of it, not only between the same day and the competition day was the effect found. This kind of debate was decided before the days. So what was known was another question to defend.
Because in the due report, the report has found something right, but it has also said that overall the party in question has performed this management duty. How do you view the legal effect of the due diligence report? That is, if the due diligence report says that the party has performed its duty, do you think that can constitute a solid ground for proving that such a party has maintained good management? Do you think this belongs to you? Please further explain. And mean is that if the report does not find something, do you think that the party can use it as an exemption of its liabilities?
And I hold that the effective plan that we used to reduce the money, before this agreement, this is the mandatory standard law. The party can violate it. So, the exemption of effective liability, if it violates the mandatory law, this exemption is invalid. We can't use it as an excuse to escape their obligations.
Maybe just to remind, you can use it at the point that is the easy record. It just means the legal report is just a help to show the legal relationship between you and a third - party institution. You just use the digital report as a help to make decisions. It does not mean anything to judge whether the party has performed their usual management.
That is just OK. Two minutes. And another question is for the part.
When you bring that, all of the minor items depending on the minor INS are in our plan. The dependents have already been leveled in the TV report before we signed. At least, we aside without writing a to repair the many things. We have accepted all of this.
In the course of it, not only between the same day and the competition day was the effect found. This kind of debate was decided before the days. So what was known was another question to defend.
Because in the due report, the report has found something right, but it has also said that overall the party in question has performed this management duty. How do you view the legal effect of the due diligence report? That is, if the due diligence report says that the party has performed its duty, do you think that can constitute a solid ground for proving that such a party has maintained good management? Do you think this belongs to you? Please further explain. And mean is that if the report does not find something, do you think that the party can use it as an exemption of its liabilities?
And I hold that the effective plan that we used to reduce the money, before this agreement, this is the mandatory standard law. The party can violate it. So, the exemption of effective liability, if it violates the mandatory law, this exemption is invalid. We can't use it as an excuse to escape their obligations.
Maybe just to remind, you can use it at the point that is the easy record. It just means the legal report is just a help to show the legal relationship between you and a third - party institution. You just use the digital report as a help to make decisions. It does not mean anything to judge whether the party has performed their usual management.
That is just OK. Two minutes. And another question is for the part.
在2003年2月,被告(Defendant)收到邮件并就申请(application)相关事宜进行了回复。他们表示抱歉,并说需要解决争议(Dispute)。他们称营养(nutrition)方面可能不是最佳的,这是他们认为的最佳解决方式。他们在邮件中的表述意味着对仲裁类别(arbitration class)或者对申请类别的某些事项的否定。但在我方看来,我们不认为该回复是一种否定,也不意味着他们反对仲裁协议的有效性。
让我补充一点,仲裁并非是最合适的(appropriate)方法,即使争议(Dispute)需要解决,但计划(plan)并没有表明其安全性。他拒绝了一种合适的(property eight应为proper)方法,这并非一种形式上(form)的请求。
在2003年2月,被告(Defendant)收到邮件并就申请(application)相关事宜进行了回复。他们表示抱歉,并说需要解决争议(Dispute)。他们称营养(nutrition)方面可能不是最佳的,这是他们认为的最佳解决方式。他们在邮件中的表述意味着对仲裁类别(arbitration class)或者对申请类别的某些事项的否定。但在我方看来,我们不认为该回复是一种否定,也不意味着他们反对仲裁协议的有效性。
让我补充一点,仲裁并非是最合适的(appropriate)方法,即使争议(Dispute)需要解决,但计划(plan)并没有表明其安全性。他拒绝了一种合适的(property eight应为proper)方法,这并非一种形式上(form)的请求。
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
There is a two - party contract which includes the principal and the agent. The next contract is the Shareholders' transfer contract. This subject involves two parties. In this case, the principal and the agent are the appropriate subjects. Do you agree that the nature of this is share and capital increase? Do you agree? Not exactly. But we are open - minded specifically about the nature of the contract, which is consistent with the shift of everything. Maybe you can understand all the rights and obligations related to it. It is very special for it. 100% of it is related to one - on - one relationship, not so much to say that if you use a lot of rules in the Sales Act. Right? So if you admit that the contract is a share - related contract, you use a lot of self - related contracts to support your opinions. All aspects of the transfer do not have other necessities, or the share transfer contract does not have other legal theories. It can be applied to the Sales contract. And that's why we need the rule in the third contract. It is just a kind of... OK for the plenty that comes up and if you...
There is a two - party contract which includes the principal and the agent. The next contract is the Shareholders' transfer contract. This subject involves two parties. In this case, the principal and the agent are the appropriate subjects. Do you agree that the nature of this is share and capital increase? Do you agree? Not exactly. But we are open - minded specifically about the nature of the contract, which is consistent with the shift of everything. Maybe you can understand all the rights and obligations related to it. It is very special for it. 100% of it is related to one - on - one relationship, not so much to say that if you use a lot of rules in the Sales Act. Right? So if you admit that the contract is a share - related contract, you use a lot of self - related contracts to support your opinions. All aspects of the transfer do not have other necessities, or the share transfer contract does not have other legal theories. It can be applied to the Sales contract. And that's why we need the rule in the third contract. It is just a kind of... OK for the plenty that comes up and if you...
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
反方(被告)就评委提出的问题进行答辩: 评委表示要再为被告提一个问题,之后提问:在您的文本中,您列举了许多案例,您如何看待中国判例法的有效性? 根据最高人民法院《关于统一法律适用加强类案检索的意见》第4条规定,类案检索的范围包括最高人民法院的生效裁判以及上级法院的生效裁判等。如果一个类似案件是指导性案例,那么……(此处最后部分表述不清,按原文保留)
反方(被告)就评委提出的问题进行答辩: 评委表示要再为被告提一个问题,之后提问:在您的文本中,您列举了许多案例,您如何看待中国判例法的有效性? 根据最高人民法院《关于统一法律适用加强类案检索的意见》第4条规定,类案检索的范围包括最高人民法院的生效裁判以及上级法院的生效裁判等。如果一个类似案件是指导性案例,那么……(此处最后部分表述不清,按原文保留)
以下为ai总结(感谢来自 刘圣韬 学长的精彩ai prompt!基座大模型为豆包。)
S in making a adjustdgment in this case all cases scientist are cases from the higher level courts includes the the supreme court course sure make a judgment or references accordingly what we decided based on the facts on this case your owner OK, Thankyou of the both sides, 嗯,Now, 嗯,Let's goto the stage of free debate啊,Firstly this will the platiff to ask the defendant some questions have theur of when the the today can uh flow of uh maybe protecting the workace and the money in the food uh cannot be achieve.Well are actually a according as the answer doesn need over the uh the itself to you and uh and also the new the person in those know there it.In the before.And the so what talking the the the.First you can turn to page eight on the effects.It says it says that defendants specialize in the research and developmentflu their vaccines for human use and is one of the largest manufactur of the influenceenza ever experience vaccines in the world.With the largest market share in the country of orardia the defendant is specialized to product to produce the INF blue vaccine so.When the defendant trying to buy trying to buy the share shares of in and one hundred percent shareholders should know.What's the defendant aim at?And the only boy only thing.The defendant as at.And the only boy only thing the only aims that dependent we have is to product use this pre when to production a fluing and that winter before this winter because so the dependent and agree uh so the dependent settled and the plan is obligations to hand over the plant the later than the later than fifteen august twenty point two before the winters come because we because the plant need to.Need to product.The blue vaccines in in the fourth in the fourthest month before the winter comes in the winter the plenty of use this plant protect the plenty of use this plant a protect to vaccine to earn earn the profits the plane is not.Handover.Before it's august twenty one two.The value will decreased which can't earn that much money as thecendant months to earn before the plan the plant value as they printed and the dependence one this plant um intent not as much strong as it before and we want we want to ask the tennis strong question is that you uh you answer on the tennis already answered the judges questions that the only obligation is to reduce the share shares of the one hundreduce the share shares of the one hundred percent shareholders but.You are you but the plant is still said.That s ISA valued to andor.On contract so.嗯,What situation of what this of obliggation you should have uh the plan tips should head over the plant these obligations you put where be the the where did the planet is put this obligations to to the um to the share to the um to the capital increase agreement.So where?Where you put this applications.So where?Where you put this applications question that I asked yes uh now are productionion of maybe protect with.Different achieve'the value of the it different and also question that.嗯,我开始了。The kind of agreement we don't have any situations related our issues are most files I want to ask the dependent have the parties agree in part one of the stpiia that theverning law of these agreements with the lawbb.We want to we think that the governing law of the contract is the laws of country novaa but the arbitrration agreement is different is suffered from the contract so the governing law of the arbitration agreement has not been determined.So and we want has not been determined.So and we want to ask you that have we ever consider the applicable law for this case do you think that's strictly be applying the arbitrration law of people's should publicublic China as'appropriateri here because it is hard much which of the.Those the benefit between the parties is of the foreign relationship relationships.嗯。I need you speak low slow.Have you ever considered the aliable law for this case do you think thatly applying the arbitration law of people's republic China is appropriate here because it is hard to reach the balance of the benefit between the parties of a for foreign religious relationships.哦,OK I think, 好的,The practice is argued that, 嗯,In this case uh when wes accept at the governing law of the arbiition we need to use the Chinese Chinese law she becauses because the part that a clearly a agree that in the twenty point one of the ST CI.'we need to use the driving law uh uh the garden law the law of nowhere to.嗯。And and practice architect that expressed in article search of the convi of AR in they.At the world arbitration tobe stated outward I want to dependant have the party agree in close twenty of the s that disputes shall be settled that by arbiration administrated by the Hong Kong Kong international application center or by in the court at the doin of the traffic company.嗯。Repeat OK I have the parties agree in cross and the point of the sia that disputes shall be settledpi by application or by the the finding investigation in the court.The of which there's a question we want to ask you that that's the.嗯。What's the nature of this case.No retain a little other the change in above another question does close twenty point one governing law of the ST a apply for the opable law in the course twenty point two of the stka.Yes uh the pancake yes theco of the.The any point any point one the governing law is conclude the twenty one to.The.嗯。I open right yes but which is opening on the twenty and reason that and the claim letter on generalnuary ten is the region request from board than two mirror and fin we as we can see here in sa a courses twenty upon one that is to say and which s simulated their friendly consultation we consider the main point of thely consultation is consultation no we have send the letter the letter name is claim letter but that was for consultation.The letter the letter's name is claim letter but that was for transportation.Some more.It cannot claim that my claim is it the of my is competition so I'm not I'm already the compation of opinions of have it we don't get it it credit take and said email.So which one what'the great couple later.We still we still say that the January ten is the general return is the frontly consultupation because we have we have simulated our our requirement and our needs to you.So so the dependant only hundreder case can the dependant only send and email of on twenty twenty three feruary fifteensing toore the disputes to the application process and initiative the obation twenty days later which constititute a reach of obligation of grandly consultation under the ST CIA plus the depend headgraphs to ignore the electricition.大概。形容。Okay so depend and have have a question how.How do you.Decline the.On white and book already answer the the question yes but you didn't have a have a laws such as law something law and some cases you just say it in your mind it's not.不。OK read my.You to you should't know you me as you me.嗯。Our or the comes from and come from wow and another for the people and that is because there is no what there's form that indicate law and so we the this is no cases for the definition of one boy onma board.Actually that it there no it is some so how could the court to define this definitions when they rule the pieces.我。Tech no appropriate no appropriate Tech but in some cases like you know this is come from the well the in inter media the court or the great primary and the.Uh well the from the professor wing it is related to the paid from theport that is fourteen numberone for one so if you can you tell me the examination of the unawayidable and can you read it was.After the judge had already me to ready for her you want me to read for zero again for your answer you don't get clearly it it is very.I I for.嗯。You answer the George's question but you didn'T.I have read it but I want to read it again because.Because you didn't you didn't see the relationship between the seven and.What the what the planes to um you ask.Can you explain again that the definition of on a white on smart.How an effect this cases become.嗯,Become a bus.So.So.Okay for you are the Chinese have reason but there of voice occur and this objective commission and it's a number names objectives of are the party even with you can you we can your after I writing my.Because you said the answerman board you on the plan that the party should try their best and make all the measures to prevent this energys happen how could they planets to wide and overcome take their old best and all the measures to prevent the damages cabin.You want to what what is what did the pen do to make their the best efforts or take all the measures to prevent as massive the purpose or the answer of avoid all comes some goal for the fire but.Uh after the fire house house.It line for production willshop wake up.Any opportunity for the the and to uh to do something and he just a close fire in the third times in think the.A has to of区so。Can you ask me.OK the next question is um was the friend said this money board is the friend said this money board is the the in very state the ink man board means that the parties did not make their best efforts and take all the measures to prevent the damages.And.Andiffs didn't say very specifically um that the planetiffs has already has already take their own measures and best effort to prevent.The next question is.Question okay that my clary uh I want we WY is to the place of re registration of the of the transfer.Of the church transfer contransfer contract where is the ST where is the where is the PLA of performance in this f TCA.The register register of.The a place of the answer is uh is not is not the issue that we need to talk about and uh and we think the dommi of answer is the.The is easter will and the mainning the the case of the performance is the east will.And.Well I want to question yesterday I have asked what is the uh standard all the explanation of the interpret whatever or the unliable standards Bill in your in seven for one you answer so question again.What is the aliable standards.The applicationlic um the application applicationlic boards is is is a according.According to the mandary provision of engineer.According to the mandatorary provision of engineering construction standards and higher protection or reion on safety manager heather chemical andi wanna ask you about this question what is mandatory.Mandator.Standard it's a test.Urdator OK, 那个我们这个,因为他是这个自由辩论,一共就是25分钟的时间,然后如果是最后一个问题没有回答完,法官可能会让你们继续回答,嗯,这个也。
S in making a adjustdgment in this case all cases scientist are cases from the higher level courts includes the the supreme court course sure make a judgment or references accordingly what we decided based on the facts on this case your owner OK, Thankyou of the both sides, 嗯,Now, 嗯,Let's goto the stage of free debate啊,Firstly this will the platiff to ask the defendant some questions have theur of when the the today can uh flow of uh maybe protecting the workace and the money in the food uh cannot be achieve.Well are actually a according as the answer doesn need over the uh the itself to you and uh and also the new the person in those know there it.In the before.And the so what talking the the the.First you can turn to page eight on the effects.It says it says that defendants specialize in the research and developmentflu their vaccines for human use and is one of the largest manufactur of the influenceenza ever experience vaccines in the world.With the largest market share in the country of orardia the defendant is specialized to product to produce the INF blue vaccine so.When the defendant trying to buy trying to buy the share shares of in and one hundred percent shareholders should know.What's the defendant aim at?And the only boy only thing.The defendant as at.And the only boy only thing the only aims that dependent we have is to product use this pre when to production a fluing and that winter before this winter because so the dependent and agree uh so the dependent settled and the plan is obligations to hand over the plant the later than the later than fifteen august twenty point two before the winters come because we because the plant need to.Need to product.The blue vaccines in in the fourth in the fourthest month before the winter comes in the winter the plenty of use this plant protect the plenty of use this plant a protect to vaccine to earn earn the profits the plane is not.Handover.Before it's august twenty one two.The value will decreased which can't earn that much money as thecendant months to earn before the plan the plant value as they printed and the dependence one this plant um intent not as much strong as it before and we want we want to ask the tennis strong question is that you uh you answer on the tennis already answered the judges questions that the only obligation is to reduce the share shares of the one hundreduce the share shares of the one hundred percent shareholders but.You are you but the plant is still said.That s ISA valued to andor.On contract so.嗯,What situation of what this of obliggation you should have uh the plan tips should head over the plant these obligations you put where be the the where did the planet is put this obligations to to the um to the share to the um to the capital increase agreement.So where?Where you put this applications.So where?Where you put this applications question that I asked yes uh now are productionion of maybe protect with.Different achieve'the value of the it different and also question that.嗯,我开始了。The kind of agreement we don't have any situations related our issues are most files I want to ask the dependent have the parties agree in part one of the stpiia that theverning law of these agreements with the lawbb.We want to we think that the governing law of the contract is the laws of country novaa but the arbitrration agreement is different is suffered from the contract so the governing law of the arbitration agreement has not been determined.So and we want has not been determined.So and we want to ask you that have we ever consider the applicable law for this case do you think that's strictly be applying the arbitrration law of people's should publicublic China as'appropriateri here because it is hard much which of the.Those the benefit between the parties is of the foreign relationship relationships.嗯。I need you speak low slow.Have you ever considered the aliable law for this case do you think thatly applying the arbitration law of people's republic China is appropriate here because it is hard to reach the balance of the benefit between the parties of a for foreign religious relationships.哦,OK I think, 好的,The practice is argued that, 嗯,In this case uh when wes accept at the governing law of the arbiition we need to use the Chinese Chinese law she becauses because the part that a clearly a agree that in the twenty point one of the ST CI.'we need to use the driving law uh uh the garden law the law of nowhere to.嗯。And and practice architect that expressed in article search of the convi of AR in they.At the world arbitration tobe stated outward I want to dependant have the party agree in close twenty of the s that disputes shall be settled that by arbiration administrated by the Hong Kong Kong international application center or by in the court at the doin of the traffic company.嗯。Repeat OK I have the parties agree in cross and the point of the sia that disputes shall be settledpi by application or by the the finding investigation in the court.The of which there's a question we want to ask you that that's the.嗯。What's the nature of this case.No retain a little other the change in above another question does close twenty point one governing law of the ST a apply for the opable law in the course twenty point two of the stka.Yes uh the pancake yes theco of the.The any point any point one the governing law is conclude the twenty one to.The.嗯。I open right yes but which is opening on the twenty and reason that and the claim letter on generalnuary ten is the region request from board than two mirror and fin we as we can see here in sa a courses twenty upon one that is to say and which s simulated their friendly consultation we consider the main point of thely consultation is consultation no we have send the letter the letter name is claim letter but that was for consultation.The letter the letter's name is claim letter but that was for transportation.Some more.It cannot claim that my claim is it the of my is competition so I'm not I'm already the compation of opinions of have it we don't get it it credit take and said email.So which one what'the great couple later.We still we still say that the January ten is the general return is the frontly consultupation because we have we have simulated our our requirement and our needs to you.So so the dependant only hundreder case can the dependant only send and email of on twenty twenty three feruary fifteensing toore the disputes to the application process and initiative the obation twenty days later which constititute a reach of obligation of grandly consultation under the ST CIA plus the depend headgraphs to ignore the electricition.大概。形容。Okay so depend and have have a question how.How do you.Decline the.On white and book already answer the the question yes but you didn't have a have a laws such as law something law and some cases you just say it in your mind it's not.不。OK read my.You to you should't know you me as you me.嗯。Our or the comes from and come from wow and another for the people and that is because there is no what there's form that indicate law and so we the this is no cases for the definition of one boy onma board.Actually that it there no it is some so how could the court to define this definitions when they rule the pieces.我。Tech no appropriate no appropriate Tech but in some cases like you know this is come from the well the in inter media the court or the great primary and the.Uh well the from the professor wing it is related to the paid from theport that is fourteen numberone for one so if you can you tell me the examination of the unawayidable and can you read it was.After the judge had already me to ready for her you want me to read for zero again for your answer you don't get clearly it it is very.I I for.嗯。You answer the George's question but you didn'T.I have read it but I want to read it again because.Because you didn't you didn't see the relationship between the seven and.What the what the planes to um you ask.Can you explain again that the definition of on a white on smart.How an effect this cases become.嗯,Become a bus.So.So.Okay for you are the Chinese have reason but there of voice occur and this objective commission and it's a number names objectives of are the party even with you can you we can your after I writing my.Because you said the answerman board you on the plan that the party should try their best and make all the measures to prevent this energys happen how could they planets to wide and overcome take their old best and all the measures to prevent the damages cabin.You want to what what is what did the pen do to make their the best efforts or take all the measures to prevent as massive the purpose or the answer of avoid all comes some goal for the fire but.Uh after the fire house house.It line for production willshop wake up.Any opportunity for the the and to uh to do something and he just a close fire in the third times in think the.A has to of区so。Can you ask me.OK the next question is um was the friend said this money board is the friend said this money board is the the in very state the ink man board means that the parties did not make their best efforts and take all the measures to prevent the damages.And.Andiffs didn't say very specifically um that the planetiffs has already has already take their own measures and best effort to prevent.The next question is.Question okay that my clary uh I want we WY is to the place of re registration of the of the transfer.Of the church transfer contransfer contract where is the ST where is the where is the PLA of performance in this f TCA.The register register of.The a place of the answer is uh is not is not the issue that we need to talk about and uh and we think the dommi of answer is the.The is easter will and the mainning the the case of the performance is the east will.And.Well I want to question yesterday I have asked what is the uh standard all the explanation of the interpret whatever or the unliable standards Bill in your in seven for one you answer so question again.What is the aliable standards.The applicationlic um the application applicationlic boards is is is a according.According to the mandary provision of engineer.According to the mandatorary provision of engineering construction standards and higher protection or reion on safety manager heather chemical andi wanna ask you about this question what is mandatory.Mandator.Standard it's a test.Urdator OK, 那个我们这个,因为他是这个自由辩论,一共就是25分钟的时间,然后如果是最后一个问题没有回答完,法官可能会让你们继续回答,嗯,这个也。